So anyway, a great game has both a good plot and a good “game system” under the hood. My brother once said that you can boil (most, if not all) video games down to this simple truth: There are numbers, you do stuff, the numbers go up. To me, especially when it comes to RPGs, a game boils down to two things: A great, well-written, interesting plot that gets me invested in the character(s), and a well-designed, thoroughly-developed combat system that tweaks my love of numbers that get higher. To give you an idea where I’m coming from, in the LEGO Star Wars game, I bought and activated most of the power brick abilities as soon as I got them. Now there is some other, more general discussion going on in this thread about the different ways to enjoy a game, but this is starting to get into the differences between us as players some of us like to level our characters into God-like beings in pretty much any game we play, others of us… not so much. Now that I know they do, the discussion is pretty much done from my perspective. I didn’t know about any of these mods, which is why I was asking if they existed. It’s a non issue, that’s why I’m surprised it’s still being discussed. What I meant was : the game is 2 years old, there are tons of mods who fix the level scaling (starting with Oscuro’s Oblivion Overhaul who’s probably the best), and there have been practically since day one.